GMAT SC "sentence correction" エレガントな英語表現の登竜門 MBA留学に必要なテストGMATの センテンスコレクションの問題に挑戦!! Directions: Choose the best way to express the part in the bracket. (A is the same as the one in the bracket) Gsc4-21 [Founded in 1843, the Economist's weekly magazine circulation has now doubled to about 200,000, twice that of a decade ago]. (A) Founded in 1843, the Economist's weekly magazine circulation has now doubled to about 200,000, twice that of a decade ago. (B) The Economist magazine, founded in 1843, now has a weekly circulation twice that of a decade ago, doubled to about 200,000. (C) Founded in 1843, the weekly circulation of the magazine the Economist is now twice what it was a decade ago, doubled to about 200,000. (D) The weekly the Economist, founded in 1843, has a magazine circulation that had doubled to about 200,000, twice a decade ago's. (E) The Economist, a magazine founded in 1843, now has a weekly circulation of about 200,000, twice what it was a decade ago. ■ 解法のテクニック ★Redundancy: twice-double。。。とすると?! Answers and more → http://www.liberal-arts.com MBA留学に必要なテストGMAT 独学ではなかなか高得点突破が難しいテストですが、 TGセミナーでは短期間で高得点をあげるコツが 学べます。 TGセミナーのGMAT, TOEFL, SAT, MBAエッセイ添削等の 講座は全てオンラインで受講可能! 個別指導で丁寧に理解するまで何度でも教えます。 Come and communicate in English for the whole session on movies, dramas,and various topics. Anyone can join in!! 青山TGセミナー info@tg.liberal-arts.com Create your Future with Style: Aoyama TG Seminar