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GMAT SC ~sentence correction~に挑戦!

涼しげな色合いのステンドグラス MBA留学に必要な試験GMAT 独学でGMATの点数を上げるのはなかなか難しく、 途中で伸び悩むものです。 TGセミナーのGMAT講座では、短期間で効率よく GMATの点数をあげるコツを伝授します。 TGセミナーの留学準備のための講座は全て オンラインで自宅にいながら受講することができます。 GMAT SC ~sentence correction~に挑戦! エレガントな英語表現の登竜門 Directions: Choose the best way to express the part in the bracket. (A is the same as the one in the bracket) Gsc4-26 Species of insects or birds that are accidentally introduced into a new country often become pests because [they now lack their predators from their former habitat]. (A) they now lack their predators from their former habitat (B) of the predators they now lack from their former habitat (C) of the predators of their former habitat that are now absent (D) the predators they encountered in their former habitat are now absent (E) their predators they encountered in their former habitat are lacking now 解法のテクニック ★ Clarity: because of 句->because 節 ★ Misplaced Modifier: their former habitatは何にかかる? ★ Diction: lack +O (meaning)。。。。とすると?! Answers and more →  GMATだけでなく、TOEFL, SAT, MBAエッセイ添削、 MBAインタビュー対策、留学先学校選びの相談等 海外留学に関する全てをオンラインで個別相談できます。 Come and communicate in English for the whole session on movies, dramas,and various topics. Anyone can join in!! 青山TGセミナー Create your Future with Style: Aoyama TG Seminar

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