ハイビスカス~! 5月30日(土)15:30 Online SpeakEZ 英語カフェ会 AndBeyond正規メンバー無料特別講座! スピーチ原稿その場で添削! 英語で気軽におしゃべりオンラインカフェ会を開催します。 いつもの英語Playgroundのように、英語でsmall talk(世間話) でもいいし、本格的なスピーチでも結構 ただしみんなに機械があるように1テーマ1分以内をめやす またスピーチ原稿をメモリーに入れて持って来れば、 その場で添削しながらもOK! カフェタイムを有効にお使い下さい。 ともあれ高感度、洒脱な仲間と英語とカフェのひとときを お楽しみ下さい。 ● どんなテーマでも歓迎。でも迷ったら、以下などいかが? Which city in the world would you like to visit? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice. Where would you like to be professionally in 10 years? What are the characteristics of a good neighbor? What is your favorite holiday? If you suddenly got 10 million USD, what would you spend it on? What does your dream house look like? What is your favorite food? What are the characteristics of of a good parent? If you could live anywhere, where would you live? What person who is alive today would you most like to meet? Which person has helped you the most to get where you are today, and how has he or she helped you? Why are you preparing to take the **** test? Do you prefer to be in a large or a small class? Would you prefer to go out to dinner or stay home and cook a meal? Do you think it is better to marry before or after the age of 30? Do you prefer to take essay exams or multiple-choice exams? Would you prefer to take a trip by plane or by train? Would you like to live in a big city or a small town? (TOEFL independent speaking) ・日時 : 5/30 (土) 15:30-16:20 途中参加、退出自由 ・予約、問合 : admin@tg.liberal-arts.com ・Online (skype) skypeが初めての方は、 下記からアプリをダウンロードください。 手順が分からない方はmessageにその由連絡ください。 https://www.skype.com/ja/ (skypeの方がzoomより安全です) ・参加費 : メンバー無料 非メンバー1000円(税込) 体験レッスン1回 無料 Come and communicate in English for the whole session on movies, dramas,and various topics. Anyone can join in!! 青山TGセミナー info@tg.liberal-arts.com
Create your Future with Style: Aoyama TG Seminar