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黄色い菖蒲がたーくさん咲いてます♪ GMAT SC ~sentence correction~ エレガントな英語表現の登竜門 自宅に居ながら留学準備! オンラインでGMAT講座を受けられます。 苦手な方が多いGMAT SC問題もコツが分かれば 一気に得点源になります。 GMAT攻略講座、MBAエッセイ添削や インタビュー特訓も全てオンラインで受講できます! Directions: Choose the best way to express the part in the bracket. (A is the same as the one in the bracket) Gsc4-5 Minimum wage legislation has been controversial since its inception: its proponents argue that [the people who are most economically vulnerable are safeguarded from being exploited, while other critics argue it leads to people being unemployed]. (A) the people who are most economically vulnerable are safeguarded from being exploited, while other critics argue it leads to people being unemployed (B) the people safeguarded from being exploited are the most economically vulnerable, whereas the critics argue it leads to people being unemployed (C) it is a safeguard so that the most economically vulnerable are not exploited, whereas the critics contend that it is a cause of unemployment (D) it safeguards the most economically vulnerable from exploitation, while its critics contend that it is a cause of unemployment (E) it has safeguarded the people who are most economically vulnerable from being exploited, while its critics contend that it leads to people being unemployed ■ 解法のテクニック Concise/Diction: lead to N lead to V lead to (意味上の主語)~ing xxxx ★Concise: who are? ★Concise: is a safegard v safegards....とすると?! Answers and more →  Come and communicate in English for the whole session on movies, dramas,and various topics. Anyone can join in!! 青山TGセミナー

Create your Future with Style: Aoyama TG Seminar

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