GMAT・sentence correction エレガントな英語表現の登竜門 Directions: Choose the best way to express the part in the bracket. (A is the same as the one in the bracket) Gsc2-36 191201sun Corporate finance committees do not plan the detailed activities of the various divisions in a large firm, but [by their allocation of investment funds they make strategic judgments as to where the firm should expand]. (A) by their allocation of investment funds they make strategic judgments as to where the firm should expand (B) when they allocate investment funds, they make strategic judgments about where the firm might be expanding (C) they make strategic judgments on where the firm should expand when they allocate investment funds (D) by allocating investment funds, they will make strategic judgments about where the firm might be expanding (E) allocations of investments funds as to where the firm should expand are their exercise in strategic judgment ■ 解法のテクニック ●動詞部分(should)を変えたら意味が変わってくるね。 ●一見のかっこよさにだまされるな!by their allocation of investment fundsは何にかかる? (they make strategic judgments? Or where the firm should expand?) Answers and more → http://www.liberal-arts.com/ MBA留学準備の全てをスカイプで! TOEFL, GMAT, SAT, IELTS、エッセイ、インタビュー対策 Come and communicate in English for the whole session on movies,dramas,and various topics. Anyone can join in. 青山TGセミナー info@tg.liberal-arts.com
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