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GMAT SC できるかな?

洗面台に入りたがるネコ GMAT・SC : sentence correction MBA留学準備は自宅からスカイプで! エレガントな英語表現の登竜門 Directions: Choose the best way to express the part in the bracket. (A is the same as the one in the bracket) Gsc2-24 191021 mon World oil prices would have to rise before companies could recover the costs of extracting Alaskan natural gas, [transportation to the Alaska coast, where it will go to processing plants there], and shipping it to markets in the lower United States. (A) transportation to the Alaska coast, where it will go to processing plants there (B) transportation to Alaska coast processing plants (C) of transportation to processing plants on the Alaska coast (D) transporting it to the Alaska coast, where it will go to processing plants there (E) transporting it to processing plants on the Alaska coast ■ 解法のテクニック ■ 1 パラレルのルール:A, B, and C のABCはつり合いが 取れているかな?この場合、the costs ofの後ろを見る。 下線のないextractingが-ingなら、、、、? Answers and more →  Come and communicate in English for the whole session on movies,dramas,and various topics.Anyone can join in. 青山TGセミナー Create your Future with Style: Aoyama TG Seminar

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