北海道大学構内に立派なツツジがありました。 GMAT・sentence correction・できるかな?! 奥深いGMATの世界に触れてみてください。 Choose the best way to express the underlined (bracketed) part. ■ 問題GMATscn06 180611mon The architectural problem of how to enclose and articulate interior space becomes [more and more critical as the size of the space will increase]. (A) more and more critical as the size of the space will increase (B) increasingly critical as the size of the space gets larger (C) ever more critical as the size of the space increases (D) one that is increasingly critical as there is an increase in the size of the space (E) more critical with the size of the space getting larger ............................................................................. and more! 回答が気になる方はこっそりご連絡ください。 解説をお教えします。 admin@tg.liberal-arts.com Weekend GMAT Ginza LIVE (other Skype) Week 6 or TOEFL 教材予定+出願対策 予習なし(予習しておきたい方は相談ください) ・6/16 sat 10:00-15:20 LIVE & Skype 15:30-16:40 AndBeyond! Playground 17:00-18:10 AndBeyond! TxT 22:00-0:00 「Skype GMAT/TOEFL」 青山TGセミナー info@tg.liberal-arts.com Create your Future with Style: Aoyama TG Seminar